mercredi 8 mars 2023

Qu'est-ce que le home staging et quels sont ses avantages ?

Le home staging en tant que concept n'existe en Espagne que depuis quinze ans, mais aux États-Unis, où nous importons une grande partie des stratégies de marketing immobilier, ils l'appliquent depuis plus de 45 ans.

What is home staging?

Home staging is a real estate marketing tool that seeks to improve the image of the homes that we are trying to sell or rent, without the need to make a deep reform. Its main advantage is that it generates a feeling of attraction towards potential buyers through the photographs.

Barbara Schwarz created the concept in 1970, associating it with an advantage that made it irresistible: significantly reducing the time to sell properties that had been prepared with home staging compared to those that had not.

The advantages of home staging

Home staging is basically a set of activities that tries to improve the image of the properties that are put up for sale. In other words, with a very low investment they try to transform a colorless, cold and aseptic room into a colorful, bright, attractive and homely space.

But how is this effect achieved? One of the keys is in the photographs. The home stager prepares the property before the photographs are taken, transforming the spaces with lighting, cardboard furniture, textile material and some basic decoration elements, such as cushions, vases, towels, etc. Combined they totally change the final result of the room, making it more attractive. Therefore, it also improves the impact of photos and advertisements.

The objective is that home staging is an additional tool that helps to obtain more contacts from potential clients.

But home staging not only serves to have better photographs, but in face-to-face visits it also helps to build storytelling with the buyer client. In a graphic way we help them understand the possibilities that the property has. And it is already known that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Another important element to implement this set of techniques is the price of the property. If we are capable of transforming a normal property into a beautiful and attractive one with basic decorative elements, we will be able to better defend its price over others that have not been prepared.